Saturday, January 24, 2009

My Bobcat

This is one of my favorite projects I have worked on. It is a bobcat that was hit by a car in my hometown. She had some damage but was in remarkably good shape. I built her for Mr. Johnson's Zoology class at East Central. She was a challenge but was a lot of fun to build and taught me a lot. I will have to stop by ECCC and get a better picture of her.

Here are her before pictures:I have to admit I kept her pelt. It was too beautiful to let it go to waste. Judging from her bones and her size, she was still fairly young. I think she was less than a year old. To give you some perspective on her size, the tiles on the floor are 14"X14". I have found two more bobcats since her. One was a good bit bigger and the other was obviously even younger and much smaller. Also, you may be able to tell from the picture that her left elbow was pretty severely broken along with both shoulder blades when she was hit. I ultimately had to replace her shoulder blades with one of the other bobcat's.


  1. Ooooh, your blog looks so nice even if it will have dead things on it! Love you.

  2. I'm so excited that you're a blogger now!! Yay!!!
